Monday, September 24, 2012

Path of self development:

Half of a person's life is spent in expecting something or the other from others. Another half is spent on finding fault with others.This results in frustration, poverty, hatred and jealously.

He should understand that God has sent him on earth for self realization through dedicated work. Rather than wandering here and there for useless and temporary pleasures, he should concentrate on himself and his own potential. HE should understand and explore his own TRUE SELF, HIS INNER NATURE, his aptitude and vastness of unlimited capability and capacity that God has provided him freely.

Through deep thoughts and meditation he should find the purpose for which god has sent him on earth; and then work ceaselessly towards that goal.To his surprise he will find that doors of GODS GRACE are wide open and he can achieve almost anything and everything. Great things and miracles are within his easy reach.

History is full of people who harnessed this unlimited Grace of God..Abraham Lincoln,Gandhi ji, Albert Einstein, Newton, Thomas Alva Edison could achieve the impossible by harnessing this unlimited and infinite source of Gods Grace.

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