Thursday, September 27, 2012


Observe that each person has some inherent interest in various fields, i.e. music, science and technology, leadership, business, industry etc.
When we do some work, sometimes we loose interest and get bored very easily. Sometimes we manage to work on it for a few hours and then get tired and need rest. But it also happens sometimes that a work in a particular field, say electronics or music or space science or business we get so deeply absorbed that we forget ourselves totally, and even after long hours of continuous pursuit of work of that particular subject we do not feel tired or exhausted. Rather we feel refreshed and charged with new energy.We feel more energetic and enthused. After continuous pursuit in that field we find that we get results much more than our expectation. It seems that some unknown force or energy has helped us to get extraordinary success.

We find that our hearts are filled with great and immense joy and satisfaction. We sleep,thereafter and on waking up we realize that new ideas come to our minds which were unknown and untraceable earlier.

Certainly such experiences are the outcome of union and inter linkage between the persons mind and divine forces from cosmos. Great musicians have observed ideas of new music generated by them are not their own but come from skies in form of waves. A PERSON WHO WANTS to achieve greater heights in his pursuits has to undergo similar experiences, in any field of his interest and choice. Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln , Joan of Arc, great scientists and musicians were guided by THE GREAT INNER VOICE coming from cosmos.They could understand and realize this force and remoulded their their life and work accordingly.
IT is obvious that this rediscovery of self and tuning with the unknown and action accordingly are the only path to attaining greater heights in any field

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